Like librarians of the present, NYLI‘s William H. Winters made use of the latest technologies while preserving the treasures of the past….

Winters, a Harvard graduate, became New York Law Institute’s Librarian in 1872 and immediately began securing complete sets of Statutes and Session laws of every state as well as obtaining official copies of foreign codes. Winters had the foresight to begin offering members current awareness on topics as varied as fisheries and election laws:

Today, Mr. Winters would be proud to know that NYLI’s collection includes not only over 250,000 items in print, but over 160,000 ebooksincluding Matthew Bender titles and the ever popular Nutshells. Our librarians keep members up to date by utilizing databases such as Bloomberg Law, Cheetah, HeinOnline, Lexis, LLMC, OCLC, Practical Law, Practice Advisor, ProQuest Congressional, and Westlaw.

The New York Law Institute is honored to be a Federal Depository Library, a designation librarian William H. Winters secured way back in 1909.

And it was William H. Winters who saved the most famous of NYLI’s Rare books — Hamilton’s Law Ledger.

A lifelong scholar, our most famous librarian published both histories and legal guides on subjects as varied as State Legislation, theatre law and trust combinations.

Currently, NYLI librarians follow Winter’s footsteps by posting LibGuides on its website on topics such as Bankruptcy, Government Documents, Federal Legislative Histories and Summer Associate guides.

And if you’ve been following my blogs, you know that histories are still being published under NYLI auspices!

And so, whether it’s records and briefs , older New York Law Journal items, the latest e-book, treatises, databases or historical state statutes.… really any legal research item…

It’s still New York Law Institute Librarians to the rescue !