Monthly Archives: June 2020

Achievements in Legal Literature – AALL Spectrum

The AALL Awards Committee has published an article in the latest AALL Spectrum issue featuring details about the 2020 Joseph L. Andrews Legal Literature Award presented to our Director of IT and Marketing Ellyssa Kroski, Editor of Law Librarianship in the Age of AI (ALA Editions).

Read article here.

By |June 30th, 2020|Announcements, New at NYLI|Comments Off on Achievements in Legal Literature – AALL Spectrum

LLAGNY’s Graphic Novel Book Club LibGuide

NYLI’s Technical Services Librarian and graphic novel guru Eileen Dolan has created a brand new LibGuide for the book group complete with everything you need to know about past and upcoming meetings as well as related readings and a poll to vote on what will be read next. Be sure to check it […]

By |June 29th, 2020|Announcements, New at NYLI|Comments Off on LLAGNY’s Graphic Novel Book Club LibGuide

Two Sides of David Dudley Field….

Creator of the model Field Codes of civil procedure that were adopted by Montana and California. “Field Codes” also went international; they became a foundation for civil procedure in England, Ireland and India.

Nearly disbarred for his activities on behalf of financiers Gould & Fiske in their litigation with […]

By |June 24th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Two Sides of David Dudley Field….

NYLI ReOpening in Phases

The New York Law Institute now has limited access to our collection to make copies for members.  Following the State Phase 2 reopening plan announced by Governor Cuomo, NYLI will reopen in phases. Please check our website or our blog for the latest updates. You may also call 212-732-8720 or email

By |June 23rd, 2020|Announcements|Comments Off on NYLI ReOpening in Phases

All About NYLI Webinar

The New York Law Institute now offers members a variety of resources and services including 2 eBooks collections providing access to over 160,000 eBook titles. We offer the entire West Academic Nutshells series in eBook format, hundreds of ABA titles, and Mathew Bender legal treatises.  We also offer access to valuable electronic resources such as […]

By |June 22nd, 2020|Announcements|Comments Off on All About NYLI Webinar

NYLI will close at 1 on Friday June 19th in observance of Juneteenth

NYLI will close at 1pm this Friday June 19th in observance of Juneteenth. The folks at Smithsonian Magazine written an excellent article titled Juneteenth: Our Other Independence Day:

Two-and-a-half years after the Emancipation Proclamation, American slavery came to an end and a celebration of freedom was bornRead more here.

Also, check out NYLI’s selection of […]

By |June 17th, 2020|News from the Field|Comments Off on NYLI will close at 1 on Friday June 19th in observance of Juneteenth

NYLI Moderating Panel at Law Firm Libraries 2020

Ellyssa Kroski, NYLI’s Director of IT and Marketing will be coordinating and moderating the panel:

Panel: Law Librarianship in the Age of AI

JUNE 18, 202010:15AM – 11:00AM EDT

A discussion exploring this publication authored by Ellyssa Kroski, Director of Information Technology/Director of Marketing at The New York Law InstituteDiscuss how librarians are leveraging AI tools […]

By |June 15th, 2020|Announcements, New at NYLI|Comments Off on NYLI Moderating Panel at Law Firm Libraries 2020

NYLI’s Response to the George Floyd Tragedy

As law librarians and information professionals committed to access to justice and respect for every human being, we voice our outrage, anguish, and sorrow at the senseless killing of Mr. George Floyd and others before him.  We join with our colleagues and civic and religious leaders in decrying these sinful and immoral actions and offer […]

By |June 10th, 2020|Announcements, New at NYLI|Comments Off on NYLI’s Response to the George Floyd Tragedy

LexisNexis Digital Library Wins AALL’s 2020 New Product Award

NYLI is proud to celebrate five years of offering this AALL winner.

LexisNexis® Digital Library has been named the winner of the 2020 New Product Award from American Association of Law Libraries, following comprehensive enhancements to the platform this year. The award honors new commercial information products that enhance or improve existing law library services […]

By |June 10th, 2020|Announcements, News from the Field|Comments Off on LexisNexis Digital Library Wins AALL’s 2020 New Product Award

LLMC-Digital Webinar

Webinar times are: Eastern Time

Optimize your records and briefs research with LLMC-Digital

The Library of the New York Law Institute offers web-based training sessions to help you discover new resources and enhance your research with LLMC-Digital, an extensive archive of historical primary and specialized legal materials covering the U.S. federal and state governments, the British […]

By |June 8th, 2020|Announcements, New at NYLI|Comments Off on LLMC-Digital Webinar