by Eileen Dolan, Technical Services Librarian

June 14th is Flag Day. The Continental Congress adopted the flag on June 14, 1777. In 1916 President Wilson issued Proclamation 1335 asking that June 14th be observed as Flag Day. However, it was another 33 years until, on August 3, 1949, President Truman signed PL 81-203 requesting the President to issue an annual proclamation for Flag Day into law. This year President Biden signed the Proclamation for Flag Day and National Flag Week on June 11th.

Although there is no good documentation that Betsy Ross made the first American flag, there is no evidence that she did not. The story that Betsy Ross convinced George Washington to change the shape of the star from 6 points to 5 is lovely. The clever seamstress made several folds and one snip to create the 5-pointed star.