Summer draws to a close with Labor Day. Perhaps you’ve already put away your white dresses and pants in favor of corduroys & cozy cardigans….
And, somehow, September brings about the “Back to School” mood in all of us…
Today’s lesson is a quick review of Labor resources (particularly FLSA!) at NYLI…
So after you’ve digested your last hot dog, you can explore some Labor & Employment sources available here at The New York Law Institute….
If you are a NYLI member, you can check out PQ Congressional ready made reports on all matters of topics — including the Fair Labor Standards Act…

In other words, all the very basic fairness that Americans have come to expect from their workplace!

What if you want to really start with the basics of Employment Law such as Federal & State Law resources, listings of books & eBooks….and useful labor websites (& job sites!)
That all sounds like the work of a LibGuide — and we’ve got one for Labor & Employment …. just click here for access….

Records & Briefs… print... eBooks...LLMC... the OED online …ProQuest Congressional…& the research assistance of our expert librarians….located at The Equitable Building… but our members are world-wide…