Let your inner Geek rein this July 13th… It’s officially Embrace Your Geekness Day…

So consider embarking on one of these Geeky Adventures….

Escape Rooms —

Cosplay... not just for Comic Con… but for Library Geeks as well!

What about Digital Archiving, getting creative with Canva, and being the fun and informative presence on Zoom? Well, NYLI has all those webinars available to members & non-members alike!

Finally, having the best dictionary (and bragging about it!), is probably the ultimate Geeky acquisition…

Geek — fool? nerd? techie? carnival performer? I’ve suppose we’ve all been Geeky one way or another!

OED, ProQuest Congressional, Records & Briefs, Print, eBooks , LLMC & Expert librarians..

Can you get more Geeky than the NY Law Institute?

Join the 120 Broadway Geeks today… click here for more on membership!