The New York Law Institute will remain open today for the National Day of Mourning honoring the legacy of former President Jimmy Carter. Here are some eBook resources available about his life and career.

Jimmy Carter As Educational Policymaker : Equal Opportunity and Efficiency
Michael, Deanna L.State University of New York Press 2008
Analyzes educational reform in the second half of the twentieth century through the political career of Jimmy Carter and his influence on educational policy.

Prophet from Plains : Jimmy Carter and His Legacy
Gaillard, FryeCarter, David C.University of Georgia Press 2007
Prophet from Plains covers Nobel Peace Prize winner Jimmy Carter’s major achievements and setbacks in light of what has been at once his greatest asset and his greatest flaw: his stubborn, faith-driven integrity.

An Outsider in the White House : Jimmy Carter, His Advisors, and the Making of American Foreign Policy
Glad, BettyCornell University Press 2009
Jimmy Carter entered the White House with a desire for a collegial staff that would aid his foreign-policy decision making. He wound up with a “team of rivals” who contended for influence and who fought over his every move regarding relations with the USSR, the Peoples’ Republic of China, arms control, and other crucial foreign-policy issues. In two areas―the Camp David Accords and the return of the Canal to Panama―Carter’s successes were attributable to his particular political skills and the assistance of Secretary of State Cyrus Vance and other professional diplomats.

Keeping Faith : Memoirs of a President
Carter, Jimmy University of Arkansas Press 1995
In Keeping Faith, originally published in 1982, President Carter provides a candid account of his time in the Oval Office, detailing the hostage crisis in Iran, his triumph at the Camp David Middle East peace summit, his relationships with world leaders, and even glimpses into his private world.

Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter : The Georgia Years, 1924-1974
Godbold, E. StanlyGodbold, E. Stanly, Jr.Oxford University Press, Incorporated 2010
Covering their lives from childhood to the end of the Georgia governorship, Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter is one of the few major biographies of an American president that pays significant attention to the First Lady. So deeply were their lives and aspirations intertwined, a close friend once remarked: You can’t really understand Jimmy Carter unless you know Rosalynn.