Coloring, in recent years, has become part of the adult world as our increasingly stressed society tries to find new ways to relax….

But “Colorbooks” have long been part of Lexis’ efforts give attorneys quick access to laws, regs & court basics of specific legal topics.

And so The New York Law Institute is happy to announce that Lexis Colorbooks are now part of its eBook collection. Whether in the office, in transit or working remotely, NYLI member can lessen their stress by quickly consulting the following …

New York Civil Practice Law and Rules (Redbook)

New York Landlord & Tenant (Tanbook)

New York Surrogate Court (Greenbook)

New York Real Property (Bluebook)

New York Criminal Statutes & Rules (Graybook)

New York Family Law (Yellowbook)

New York Commercial Law (Goldbook)

New York Corporation Law (Whitebook)

The New York Law Institute$15M worth of eBooks , extensive Record & Briefs, print, ProQuest Congressional, LLMC & the expert research assistance of our librarians— all guaranteed to lessen your stress and assist you in the practice of law.

Consider becoming a member today !!