Obviously, Abraham Lincoln is immediately identified as a U.S. President….

But it could easily be argued that Lincoln is the still the best lawyer who ever became President….

Lincoln is estimated to have been a lawyer for approximately 5,600 cases and presided as a pro-tem Judge for about 300…

Corporate Tax Law? Lincoln was attorney for the Illinois Central Railroad’s case against McLean County’s 1852 levy of property taxes. Lincoln argued the state charter governing the RR and state taxing powers overrode local authority. In 1856, Illinois Supreme Court agreed with Lincoln and ruled in favor the Illinois Central Railroad.

Getting Divorced? From 1837 to 1860, Lincoln and his law partners handled at least 145 divorce cases….

Honest Abe free ranging legal career could have used the nutshells… available in print and eBook format to NYLI members

Lincoln was also a noted criminal attorney. His 1859 defense of “Peachy” Quinn Harrison resulted in acquittal based on Lincoln’s convincing plea of self defense. The sensational murder case was followed nationally, and Lincoln the lawyer gained celebrity.

Nutshells.. always good for brushing up on basics…

New York Courts and The New York Law Journal both observe Lincoln’s Birthday — in honor of a great lawyer who became a great President.

ALL issues == from 1888-present — available at The New York Law Institute!

Nutshells, treatises, eBooks, print, Records & Briefs, and materials on every aspect of law… it’s all at The New York Law Institute….

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